June 2019
Thursday May 17th 2018, 2018
Silverplated single used plastic and other disposables.
h. 21,5 cm D. 12 cm
Sunday May 27th 2018, 2018
Silverplated single used plastics and other disposables h. 44,5 cm D. 11 cm
My grandfather was a scientist.
He measured everything. Sound, humidity and rain fall and more yet. He colleted rocks, and fossils, and he had a giant lump of amber. (His cabinet of curiosities wasn't grand but personal and fantastic.)
Pounding like a million gentle hammers on muted organ pipes the rain would seem endless waiting in hi winter garden for the summer sun to come back out. Right outside the glass door was a rain gauge. Watching it slowly fill seemed like the most natural thing to do.
Today rain gauging is like poking into an open brain hemorrhage.
Will the world collapse?
I grew up without a care - it seems parentings only purpose in the late 70' was to let kids be kids and to not worry about nuclear built up. economic chaos and such anymore. I did. I grew up without a care. Matured in between the fall of the wall and the collapse of the towers and let Clinton's sax and cigar convince me that they were the biggest issue and that the planet was heading for world peace and that everybody would love and understand each other for all eternity. But it wasn't and we didn't and now we are fucked.
Why didn't I act until now?
I feel guilty and I feel betrayed and I feel helpless but I eat less meat I fly less and I try to eat only vegetables in season and locally farmed. I separate my trash and pick up plastics when we are on the beach. And I cross my fingers and hope for a miracle so that my children can have a decent life and their children too. I pray that we can keep the planet stabile enough to live on. But I don't believe in god. I believe in kindness and I believe in believing.
"Thursday May 17th" and "Sunday May 27th 2018" are part of an ongoing series of desk top sculptures("Trophies I never Won") resembling home made rain gauges( and throphies).